Thursday, January 31, 2013

Today's Number is the Number Seven

Seven years ago, we became you & me.

Without any expectations about where this was going.

Or who we actually were.

And now, seven years later we're us. Katie and Ryan.

We're best friends who happen to be in love.

And it's awesome.

Here's the number seven. And the many more numbers to come.

The Heiress

Last weekend, my girlfriends and I went to see The Heiress. But before we did that, we went to The Smith for some dinner and well deserved drinks (hey, it was Friday after all).  It started to snow when we got into the city, which only made the night more cozy or should I say hilarious.  We couldn't get a cab after dinner and had to walk the 10+ avenue blocks to the theater. And I may or may not have slipped. Woopsss.

The show itself was a smidge depressing (I don't want to spoil it for anyone), but the cast was superb (ahem, Dan Stevens)!  And the set was bad ass. It didn't change throughout the show so they really went all out. Think fancy rugs, furniture, everything.  Well, without further adieu, here is my little visual recap for ya.

I have to say, I really enjoy my little weekend recap posts--so I hope you like them, cause they're here to stay!

sometimes champagne makes you do mid-dinner dances
Me and Dan (and a not-so-street-legal picture of the set)


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Party Time Camera: Sneak Peak

I bought a party time camera while up in Burlington, which is a disposable camera that imprints sayings and stuff on your images. Pretty fun, right? I thought it would be an extra fun way to document Ryan's birthday/our visit/etc. Well, I just got it developed (hello lazy!)...this is definitely my favorite pic so far...pretty rad huh?!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Lately I feel like I'm coming to a cross-roads in my life.

Like I'm being challenged to figure out what to DO with my life. 

And I find myself frightened. 

Of the unknowns.

I've never been particularly good at just going with the flow. 

I'm the girl that needs to have everything figured before making any leaps.

And I'm starting to realize that I need to just jump.

Any let things happen. 

I've found the most inspirational quotes on Pinterest, which are helping me realize that I need to jump. And soon.

I hope you find them inspirational as well. 

(P.S. this post is about my professional life--not my romantic life--just FYI)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ever find a picture that pretty much sums up you as a person?

Well I have.

My name is Katie, and I'm a goofy, coffee enthusiast. 

The End.

Monday, January 21, 2013

First Position: A Documentary

This past weekend, I watched a documentary called First Position. It followed a group of young ballet dancers who were preparing to compete in the Young America Grand Prix (a super exclusive ballet competition).  Their ages ranged from 11 to 17 and were some of the most talented kids I've EVER SEEN. Their dedication was so inspirational. They knew exactly what they wanted and worked relentlessly to get it. As the documentary played on, I found myself rooting for all them. In fact, I plan on being a internet-stalker to see if they've done a follow-up (since it was filmed in 2010). I really want to know what happened to them! If you're looking for a pick-me-up-meets-inspirational-movie watch it. It's currently an instant-play on our beloved Netflix!! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Things I Want To Do More Of...
(in no particular order)
  1. Laugh so hard I almost pee myself.
  2. Read more non-fiction
  3. Wake up at 6am
  4. Wash my hair more often (i only wash it about 2-3x a week currently)
  5. Organize more happy hours
  6. Meet new people
  7. Smile at strangers
  8. Save more money
  9. Clean out my gmail
  10. Send more care packages to my far away friends 
Look at the GEM I found.

That's little me, passed the F out on Napoo (my blankie).

It's pretty amazing that I fell asleep in the position at all. 

Go me. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It Just Goes To Show...

...that as soon as I put myself on a budget, I decide I want every materialistic thing around me. It's just plain crazy that I can't refrain from spending for one month. ONE MONTH. What is it this phenomenon? Ryan and I went poking around Urban Outfitters & I stupidly decided to try on a few items--AND EVERYTHING FIT LIKE IT WAS PERSONALLY MADE FOR ME. I mean, come on, that's just plain cruel. Don't you agree? I also recently tried a sample of fekkai glossy shampoo, and have never been more mesmerized by hair care products. The smell was literally out of this world & my hair never looked better. Am I REALLY contemplating spending $100 on shampoo and conditioner? Answer: yes, yes I am. Just goes to show you that I have major issues. The internet is about the worst thing for me right about now, because I find ridiculous things that I think I need, but don't actually. Like $60 candles and girlie dresses...I just don't need it! Period! Is putting yourself on a budget much like dieting? All you want is a bacon cheeseburger but instead you try to curb your hunger with a salad and lemon water? Is putting yourself on the straight and narrow good or bad? I'm not quite sure. Maybe I should buy the below and let you know. 


candle / dress

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Happy Birthday to my sister from the same mister. 

I love you to PIECES. 

I hope 27 is just fantabulous for you.


your partner in crime

Who else would do this cheesy stuff with me?!?

Look at your GUNNSSSS!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

To Burlington We Go

Ryan and I headed up to Vermont this past weekend to see some friends, tour Burlington, snowboard and just hang out. I had never been to Burlington before and I have to say that it's adorable. The Church Street area is filled with a combination of local shops and chain stores. AND it had at least two used book stores, which makes it just about perfect in my book (ha, ha). And, in a lucky turn of events, our friends Gina and Walter were in VT too! In true tourist style, we visited the Ben and Jerry's factory. Best part of the tour was DEFINITELY the free sample at the end. Butterscotch ice cream with butterscotch candy, umm YES! We had so much fun and I can't wait to see Lake Champlain in the summer (that's right Noah & Emily, I just invited myself...muhaha). 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January Goals

So one thing I've noticed is that yearly "resolutions" don't really stick for me. It's not that my intentions are good/pure/whatever it's just that life happens and I forget what I promised-myself-to-do.

With that said, I'm going to try to set monthly goals for myself. Things that can be completed in a month and that aren't too ambitious. This way, I can continue to work towards GOALS without feeling overwhelmed. Little steps, people, little steps.

Here are January's goals:

- find an endocrinologist for my hypothyroidism
- start ":cardio my butt off" (40mins of cardio 3x a week)
- continue with hot yoga 1x a week
- do 20 day vegan challenge with my friend Gina
- make moves towards learning french

Yup, those are my goals. I'll re-evaluate on February 1 to see where I'm at and to establish new goals.



Friday, January 4, 2013


For some reason your birthday sneaks up on me every year. It’s like Christmas is barely over and then BAM it’s time to celebrate your birth. I do have to admit that I’m rather grateful to be celebrating your birth today, since you my favorite person. You are my everything and I hope that this year is what you want it to be and more.
Cheers to you! I can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight (and tomorrow too).

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chickpea Fritters

I'm always on the hunt for my next FAVORITE recipe, my next food obsession. You know what I'm talking about, the kind of recipe that you make 3-4 times the first week because it's just that good. I've made these fritters about ten times since discovering the recipe on Pinterest. They are truly tasty and satisfying. The best part is that Ryan loves them just as much as I do. See, win-win. He's happy, I'm happy, we're all happy.

I adopted the below recipe from here:

What you need: 

- 1c chickpea flour
- 1/2ts salt & pepper
- 1ts cumin
- 1ts rosemary
- 1ts cayenne pepper
- 3/4c hot water
- 1c baby kale
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 white onion, diced
- 3/4c of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- 1/8ts baking soda
- olive oil for frying

What you do: 

Mix flour, salt, pepper, cumin, rosemary and cayenne pepper together in medium bowl.

Slowly mix warm water into flour mixture, stop when it looks like pancake batter. Put batter into fridge to rehydrate 30 minutes.

In the meantime, get your other ingredients ready. Then add everything else to your batter bowl. I have to warn you, the batter isn't going to look pretty. In fact, it's going to look pretty gross, but don't get discouraged. They taste wonderful.

See, kind of gross looking.
Heat up pan with oil and start frying your fritters. I like to use my 1/4 measuring cup to ensure that the fritters are the same size (which means they'll cook for the same amount of time).

Cook each fritter for 2-3 minutes per side or until they are golden brown. 

I top mine with tzatziki sauce which is a winner combo if I do say so myself.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

13 Days Free

For the last thirteen days, I've had no "real" responsibilities and it has been wonderful. I've managed to do a lot in the last fortnight, I've visited tons of friends & family, went to see The Rockettes, went to my first blow dry bar, went to hot yoga, holiday parties, shopped and cuddled my fur babies for hours on end. It was the exact vacation that I needed. With work being so crazy, being able to escape for a little bit was a perfect gift.

drinks in Binghamton

Who knew getting your hair blown out could be so wonderful?!

Radio City

Rockefeller Center

Secret Santa Dinner

One of my favorite store, Terrain

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013, Goodbye 2012

Today marks the start of a new year. And the end of another. 2012 was eventful, to say the least. Here are some of the things I'm proud of:

  • Traveling, I did a crap-ton in 2012. I drove cross country, went to Chicago twice, went snowboarding in Vermont, went to Disney World, and went to San Francisco (for the 1st time!).

  • Welcoming Lucas, my friend Karen's son, to the world. He was born last January! I love extending my friend-family circle.

  • Doing the Warrior Dash, I always under-estimate my physical capabilities and was super proud of myself for doing the race at all. It was so much fun that I know I'll do it again. 

  • Keeping up with this BLOG. I've had a few other failed blogs and feel like this hobby has finally clicked. YEY!

  • Visiting Alcatraz! It's been on my "to visit" list for years, and it was extra exciting to be able to cross that off.

  • Feeling more confident as a Project Manager. I've had more and more work responsibilities thrown onto my shoulders these past 6 months, and at times I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what to do, BUT I do feel that my confidence in myself has sky-rocketed.  

2013 should be interesting too, I'm turning 30! and have a bunch of other life goals in the works. Someone please give me the energy to complete all of my "to-do's".