Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"I’ll try and explain how this felt. Imagine being a twelve year old boy Richard. Now imagine it’s Christmas morning and you’re sat their with your final present to open. It’s a big one, and you know what it is. It’s that Goodmans stereo you picked out the catalogue and wrote to Santa about.
Only you open the present and it’s not in there. It’s your hamster Richard. It’s your hamster in the box and it’s not breathing."
My favorite excerpt from Oliver Beale's complaint letter to Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Airlines.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's In A Name

My God given name is Katie, not Katherine, Kathleen or anything of the sort. That's right, my parents gave me a nickname as a permanent name. I asked my Mom about this, and she thought that I could be called Katie when I was younger and Kate as I grew up. I guess that's some good logic. Last weekend Ryan's friend was in town, and we got talking about how I don't really feel like a Kate. I've always felt a Katie. When you think about it, a Kate and a Katie are two completely different people. Kate is put together, organized and punctual. Katie is a party hound, with a dirty car and wallet full of receipts. 

We started discussing how I am and am not Kate or Katie. For example, Kate has a fancy purse for every season (true). And Katie runs late to practically everything (also true). Kate points out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes (not true). While Katie reads US Weekly and doesn't know the difference between there and their (also not true). Kate lives by the phrase "early to bed, early to rise". Katie snoozes for an hour and then forgets to feed the cats on the way out the door (partially true). Kate measures everything out while cooking (totally true). While Katie throws things pell-mell style into the mixing bowl. Kate is obsessed with her to-do list (completely true). Whereas, Katie doesn't know what a to-do list is. 

At the end of the discussion, we figured that I was 80% Katie and 20% Kate. And I'm OK with that. I'm klutzy, and quirky, but at the same time I'm particular and even quirkier. I guess that's just the way I roll. 

A Kitty-Cat Block Island Recap: PART DOS

Well, looky here, I have my cat camera pics ready. I brought the camera with us to Block Island. I don't think it turned out quite as well as the Party Time camera, but love them anyway. And without further adieu, here's a little kitty-cat recap.

Light House & whiskers

Is that a cat on the beach? Or are you just happy to see me. 

Ryan, I think you have a cat on your lap.

Representin' my hood

My friend Walter, the emu. 

The Blue Dory in all her cuteness. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Block Island Adventure: Summer Recap Numbero Uno

Block Island is my happy place. You know what I'm talking about, the kind of place that makes you feel most relaxed, happy, and at peace.  It's a perfect mix of open beaches, quiet streets, and ice cream. Everyone is friendly and it's just kinda perfect. We went this summer to celebrate my 30th birthday and it was just marvelous. We sun bathed, toured the island on a moped (which I highly recommend), visited the famous bluffs, and ate ourselves silly. I'm almost positive that I had the best meal of my life a The Beachhead--can we say lobster mac-n-cheese? Yup, I went there. And I wasn't sorry about it. It was a great time, that's for damn sure. 

ugly, right?!
our home away from home
My Birthday dinner...look at his handsome mug?!

Monday, September 16, 2013

ummm, just call me super excited

As I've mentioned before, I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd. Like HUGE.  And I just heard that J.K. Rowling is writing a new movie series. Apparently, it's inspired by the Hogwarts textbook Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I have to say that this is a VERY interesting take, and I would not for a million years have thought of this plot line myself. I can't wait to see how everything turns out.  I am so excited, I just can't hide it..

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What Would You Doooooooo With 3 Months Off

Jenni always posts the best blogging challenges, and this month's challenge is no different.  One of her questions really intrigued me, so much so I felt compelled to answer.

If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?

My answer is an absolute NO BRAINER. I would move to Paris for three months and get to know myself. I would wander the streets of the different arrondissements  stopping in cafes and shops. I would write in a journal about everything and nothing.  I would sign up for French lessons and become tres fluent (a life goal of mine). I would embrace the culture and determine what I value most in this life. I would visit Versailles and do all of those quintessential things one does in Paris.  Basically, I would pull a Sabrina and I would find myself in Paris. 

where i would be living, obviously

just one of the cafes i would be drinking endless cups of coffee in

le louvre


view full image

"I feel like starting a new book is almost like going on a blind date. Who knows what this beauty will behold?! #excited #ithinkitsaboutvampires #teamedward4eva "

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

thoughts on 30

So I've been 30 for almost two whole months now, and the only thing I've really learned is: back up your mother truckin' hard drive. That's right, my hard drive crapped out on my when I got back from Chicago last month, and it took abouuttt a month to get this sucker back going. Not going to lie, it was a sad moment the genius bar dude [let's call him Bob] told me I needed a new hard drive. It was even a sadder moment when Bob said that I would, potentially, loose all of my data. But, Bob was Wrong (cap W). I got the majority of my data AND Ryan, my personal Apple support, installed my new hard drive! Thank God for that man.

The second thing I've learned since turning 30 is that Mott fruit snacks rock my world. HARD. I'm pretty sure I've eaten, like 5 packets, in the past 3 days. How's that for maturity.

The weird thing about turning 30 is that I didn't really want all of the fan fare that normally surrounds milestone birthdays. I wanted nothing more than the beach, sun, and good food. And let me tell you, I GOT ALL OF THOSE THINGS. And, on my actual birthday, I told Ryan, with what I'm sure was a true stink eye, that we were not celebrating my birth today--we're just two folks on the beach. And lucky for him  me, he listened. And it was marvelous.

I also didn't buy myself any extravagant gifts. No fancy purses or jewelry for this girl. What I gave myself, I think, far surpasses those materialistic things. I've decided let all of those stupid, self imposed pressures go. That's right, I've stopped the pity train and hopped on the acceptance express. It's OK that I haven't traveled as much as I thought I would. And it's OK that I don't have as much saved as I would like. It's OK that I'm not married or a home owner.  It's all OK. This is my life's path and I should celebrate where I am NOT where I thought, I should, maybe be.  Wow, I guess turning 30 has made me a wee bit more mature. Who knew?


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oldies But Still Goodies

I had this ominous folder on my desktop called "stuff" (i know, highly original AND descriptive) that had been nagging me for the past month. I finally got around to cleaning it out and found some gems from the years of yore. Before the days of Pinterest, I use to go all old school and save pictures to my desktop. DUN DUN DUNNNN. How ghetto.  Here are some of my favs for ya.

I loved this ad campaign. Friends you should eat, and the friends you shouldn't.

yes, this man exists. And no, this isn't a joke

this is what happens when pete goes on vacation. LOVES me some old school work memories.

the correct answer is no, a woman is NEVER wrong. 

i don't have the original sources...sowwy. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Cat On Every Picture

Found a cat camera for our Block Island trip. You know, similar to the PARTY TIME camera we used up in Burlington

And I can't wait to use it UP.

I mean, there's a cat on every photo. 

And it looks like this...

And your photos turn out like this...

umm, that's totes gonna be me. Talk about stoked.

What's not to love?

Summer To Do

Summer is in full-swing! The 4th has come and gone, and my birthday is just DAYS AWAY! And I thought it was about time I listed my summer to-do. Every summer I write down a list of things I want to do with my sunny-summer-months, and this year is no different. Here is my short and sweet to-do for this year.

1. Ride a Citi Bike
2. Take a sailing class
3. Work on my photography
4. Go on a beach vacation
5. Visit the Rain Room at the MoMa (the rain room closed before I could get there. Waawaa)
6. Visit Portland, ME, I haven't been since I was about 10 and would love to see it through my ad-ult eyes.
7. Find a letterpress class for the fall.
8. Join a running group.
9. Create a signature cocktail. I'm thinking that champagne will definitely be involved!
10. Learn how to make mozzarella cheese.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Typically when I have friends over I get a little crazy. Is the house clean? What am I going to serve? Do I have ENOUGH? These are the general frantic thoughts that fly through my brain. But I think I've CRACKED the CODE to brunch entertainment y'all. The key is to keep it simple. My friend Viv came over a few weeks ago to see the new place and to have a little brunch action. I wanted the menu to be HEATHY and TASTEY to boot, so I decided to make a spinach, onion and cheddar cheese crustless quiche, fruit salad and a green salad! Although it was just the two of us, this could have EASILY fed 4 or 5 people. 

OK, it's recipe time. The crustless quiche couldn't be easier--in fact I've made three times since Viv came over! It makes for the perfect breakfast on the go (just take it to work and microwave it!) Here we go:

What you need:
- 9" pie dish, buttered
- 6 eggs
- 1 onion, diced
- 3 handfuls of spinach
- 1/2 c of milk
- 3/4c- 1c shredded cheddar
- 1/2TB of butter
- salt and pepper to taste

What you do:

- Preheat your oven to 350 F

- Butter your pie dish and set aside

- In sauté pan, melt butter and then add onions. Cook 3-4 minutes (or until onions are translucent). 

- Add spinach to onions and wilt

- Beat eggs and milk together in bowl. Then add cheese, onion/spinach mixture, salt and pepper.

- Pour mixture into buttered pie dish and bake for 25-30 minutes. 

- The quiche is cooked when inserted knife comes out clean! Let cool 10 minutes then serve!

Now onto the salads. So, I'm not going to sit here and tell you how to make a fruit salad, cause that would be crazy! Just pick your favorite fruits, clean them on up and toss them together!  

Same goes for the green salad! Just pick whatever you love most! It will be delicious, I promise. The only thing that I'm going to advocate is making your own vinaigrette. They are NOT as intimidating as they sound. 

What you need:

- 1/4 c olive oil
- 4 TB champagne vinegar
- 1 clove garlic, grated
- salt and pepper
- 1 TB dijon mustard
- 2 ts dried oregano
- a mason jar 

What you do:

This is where it gets real easy. Add all ingredients into the mason jar. MIX. Yes, use some elbow grease and shake the CRAP out of that vinaigrette. Taste and adjust as needed. If it takes too vinegar-y, add more oil. If it's too mustard-y, add more vinegar. You know just use those taste buds to make the PER-FECT dressing!

Put all of your delicious bounty out there for your guest to eat! 

Other things that are un-pictured but totally necessary: flowers for the table, fresh squeezed orange juice and champagne!

These are my basics for a easy, delicious, brunch! Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Apartment: The Kitchen

So I don't mean to start this post off on a negative note or anything, but I'm not too crazy about this kitchen. Its super-duper out dated, the appliances could legally drink, for sure. I mean, we have a TRASH COMPACTOR, when was the last time those things were in vogue? 1982? But I guess there are a lot of good things, you know the huge cabinets no wait, the amble countertops, errr the windows? Yes, yes the windows are good. It's also, kind of a weird U shape, which is good for cooking, I guess. You know, since everything is in arms distance from everything else. And we only have one cutlery drawer, so we found these handy buckets at Ikea for our utensils. And don't get me started on the floor--those tiles need to be ripped up and burned. At the stake. Since they're EVIL, but I digress. The kitchen is good, for now. And despite its vast shortcomings, we're making it work. So there. ;)

None of these bottles fit in our cabinets, so now they live on our counter ;)

my mixer Large Marge is the best thing in this kitchen

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Timer watch over our spice collection...

...and speaking of spices, the first thing my Mom said when she came to visit was "You sure have a lot of spices, damn"
(errr, she didn't actually say 'damn' but I thought it added to the statement. So there.)

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Coolest Thing I've Seen In A While

a manmade cloud. indoors. art & science collide on this one. by berndnaut smilde.


Block Island: A Place Where Vacations Come True

I've only ever been to Block Island one time before, but when I thought about my 30th birthday, and what I wanted to do, it instantly came to my mind. I mean, the place is like a Edward Hopper painting or something.  It's beautiful and tranquil and has a movie theater that was once a roller-rink (with disco ball and all). What I love most is that the island itself doesn't allow tons of buildings to be built. Their goal is to keep the small fishing island feel. As a result there are gorgeous meadows, and undistributed beach sides. You almost feel like you time-travel a bit when you go. Bottom line, it's the bees knees and I can't wait for sun, surf and sangria.