Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's In A Name

My God given name is Katie, not Katherine, Kathleen or anything of the sort. That's right, my parents gave me a nickname as a permanent name. I asked my Mom about this, and she thought that I could be called Katie when I was younger and Kate as I grew up. I guess that's some good logic. Last weekend Ryan's friend was in town, and we got talking about how I don't really feel like a Kate. I've always felt a Katie. When you think about it, a Kate and a Katie are two completely different people. Kate is put together, organized and punctual. Katie is a party hound, with a dirty car and wallet full of receipts. 

We started discussing how I am and am not Kate or Katie. For example, Kate has a fancy purse for every season (true). And Katie runs late to practically everything (also true). Kate points out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes (not true). While Katie reads US Weekly and doesn't know the difference between there and their (also not true). Kate lives by the phrase "early to bed, early to rise". Katie snoozes for an hour and then forgets to feed the cats on the way out the door (partially true). Kate measures everything out while cooking (totally true). While Katie throws things pell-mell style into the mixing bowl. Kate is obsessed with her to-do list (completely true). Whereas, Katie doesn't know what a to-do list is. 

At the end of the discussion, we figured that I was 80% Katie and 20% Kate. And I'm OK with that. I'm klutzy, and quirky, but at the same time I'm particular and even quirkier. I guess that's just the way I roll. 

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