Thursday, October 25, 2012

Questions The Harry Potter Series Forces Me To Ask

So, anyone who really knows me, knows that I heart the Harry Potter series hardcore. I love they way that it takes me to another world, to a place where almost anything is possible & nothing resembles my day-to-day life. But the more often I re-read the series, the more questions it provokes. I mean, how different would your life be if you were a witch or wizard, I mean THINK about. It would change the way you approach everything.

For example, where would you live if you could disapparate (for you non-HP nerds, it means that you can vanish at a moments notice)? I mean, you wouldn't have to worry about long commutes. Or visiting family. Or anything of the sort. You could just POP in and out of places. It would totally change where you'd live. You could work in a major city but live in a rural town. I'm still wondering where I'd choose to live myself. Probably on a little beach in Rhode Island.

Second burning question, do you think couples would use polyjuice potion (a potion that can change you into somebody else) to spice up their sex lives? Think about how easy it would be, your relationship hits a lull, and you decide you fancy the guy down the street, so you grab some of his hairs and BOOM spiced up sex life. Do you think the divorce rate would increase or decrease? I'm curious.

Do you think you would be more adventurous or daring if you knew that you could be cured from pretty much everything? I mean, hair would grow back, bones could be mended, etc, etc. Would you be more daring with your haircuts if you knew that you wouldn't have that horrid grow-out-period? Would you try more action sports?

Do you think you'd be a neater person if you only had to flick your wrist to do chores? I know one of my least favorite thing is cleaning, but I wonder if I'd be neater if a clean house was a mere wrist flick away. Hmmmm....

These are the kind of questions that the Harry Potter series provokes. I'm still wondering what the answers would be...but until magic becomes real, I'll just never know.


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