Today was was on of
those days. You know the kind I'm talking about. I was supposed to wake up early and go get my blood work done (for my thyroid disorder, go banana), but I overslept, as always. And I didn't go and get it done during lunch either. What's one more day, right Ms. Procrastinator (uh that's me)? I mean, I'm already 3 months late in getting this done so, one more day isn't going to make-or-break
this situation. To add to the heap-o-mess, work was nuttier than squirrel poo, which unfortunately, is par the course these days. And to top it off, I had to use a toilet seat cover-thingy as TP. Which, is super gross.
Silver lining time: I made the best hippie pizza EVER tonight (recipe post to come tomorrow). And, I'm going to make some cookies too. Making delicious food really does lift the spirits, right?
Oh, and adorable pictures of my fur babies don't hurt either.
Bruiser in all his cute glory.
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