Monday, March 3, 2014

So We Did It

…we planned a trip to Paris! We leave for our adventure this May and I CANNOT wait until then. I haven't been out of the country since 2010 and I'm looking forward to embracing Paris and its culture.  I've been reading about it frantically, and have our days tentatively planned. I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be the tourist that has every second of every day planned. BUT I also don't want to just wander the streets with no real intention. It's a fine line, I guess.

In my quest for Paris-related-internet knowledge, I've stumbled across some great finds and, you know what, I'm going to share these finds because I'm just that kinda gal.

Here they are in no real order:

(A blog about an ex-pat Paris resident who gives the insider scoop!)

(An ex-pat FOOD CRITIC, living Paris. There are so many good restaurant finds on his site, it's ridiculous.)

(This one is by far my favorite, probably because Rachel has great style, AND, AND, AND, she's kinda living out my dream. She has her own cooking show, an adorable blog, and a beautiful apartment in Paris! What's not to love?)

(A sightseeing site! You can find every tour under the sun on that site!)

(Rose has blogged about Paris a few times and I just love her insights!)

I really cannot wait to put all of this researching to use!


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