Wednesday, August 21, 2013

thoughts on 30

So I've been 30 for almost two whole months now, and the only thing I've really learned is: back up your mother truckin' hard drive. That's right, my hard drive crapped out on my when I got back from Chicago last month, and it took abouuttt a month to get this sucker back going. Not going to lie, it was a sad moment the genius bar dude [let's call him Bob] told me I needed a new hard drive. It was even a sadder moment when Bob said that I would, potentially, loose all of my data. But, Bob was Wrong (cap W). I got the majority of my data AND Ryan, my personal Apple support, installed my new hard drive! Thank God for that man.

The second thing I've learned since turning 30 is that Mott fruit snacks rock my world. HARD. I'm pretty sure I've eaten, like 5 packets, in the past 3 days. How's that for maturity.

The weird thing about turning 30 is that I didn't really want all of the fan fare that normally surrounds milestone birthdays. I wanted nothing more than the beach, sun, and good food. And let me tell you, I GOT ALL OF THOSE THINGS. And, on my actual birthday, I told Ryan, with what I'm sure was a true stink eye, that we were not celebrating my birth today--we're just two folks on the beach. And lucky for him  me, he listened. And it was marvelous.

I also didn't buy myself any extravagant gifts. No fancy purses or jewelry for this girl. What I gave myself, I think, far surpasses those materialistic things. I've decided let all of those stupid, self imposed pressures go. That's right, I've stopped the pity train and hopped on the acceptance express. It's OK that I haven't traveled as much as I thought I would. And it's OK that I don't have as much saved as I would like. It's OK that I'm not married or a home owner.  It's all OK. This is my life's path and I should celebrate where I am NOT where I thought, I should, maybe be.  Wow, I guess turning 30 has made me a wee bit more mature. Who knew?